Credit Unions raise $450,000 for CMN Hospitals at 50th Running of Cherry Blossom Run
More than 22,000 people participated in the 50th Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Mile Run and 5K on April 2 and 3. The race, held in downtown Washington, D.C., drew runners from across the country. For the first time, the 5K and 10-Mile Run took place on separate days, giving participants the chance to become “Double Blossom” runners by completing both events.

Credit Unions have raised more than $10 million for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals since becoming the title sponsor in 2002. This year, the Run committee presented Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals with a check for $450,000, representing a 40% increase from the 2022 event. Runners raised nearly $117,000 of that total.